pet food



Dirty Pet Stores

Pet Care Management Course

With the falling standards of pet shops in Singapore, the AVA has made it mandatory for pet shop owners and staff to sit through 16 hours of lectures, 8 hours of practical workshops, and a multiple-choice-question (MCQ) test at the end of the course. The pet care management course will be conducted by Temasek Polytechnic (TP).   

It will be split into 3 components - companion pets (dogs, cats and small mammals), birds and fish. It will cover the regulations of the industry, how to handle and care for animals, how to give health checks to animals and how to determine the sex of pets. It will also provide hands-on training on how to handle the pets safely and responsibly.  

The first workshop for the 120 pet retailers who deal with companion pets will be held in March next year. Fish and bird retailers will be taught in later phases. The cost of the course has not been finalized, but the AVA announced that a 90% subsidy would be available under the Skills Programme for Upgrading (SPUR).


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